Friday, October 16, 2015

week 4: balance within the family.

Have you ever wondered why a family needs a mom and a dad? why can't there just be one or the other? This week in class we dove into these questions and found some great answers. Males and females each have different strengths and weaknesses, they differ in many ways, but when their differences are put together, they become strengths. The Family: A Proclamation to the World sets guidelines for how families should be and how they should be run. Mothers are supposed to nurture and care for their children, they take care of them when they're sick and make sure they are healthy and strong. Fathers are meant to provide, preside and protect, the role of a father is very important as well as that of a mother. Parents have to work together, each of theme contributions to make a family that is stable and of God. There is no president and vice president, mothers and fathers work together. In my life I have been blessed with a mother and a father who work together to make our family happy and to make sure all of our needs are met. I don't know what I would do without that and I am so grateful for the roles they play in my everyday life.

1 comment:

  1. I see it becoming increasingly difficult in the competitive society we are now living in to fully grasp this idea of equal partners, yet separate roles. As seen from the scopes of accomplishment, money, and public recognition, somebody always seem less important in the relationship. As seen from the lenses of God and His plan, both parties roles appear glorious. Just my thoughts!
