Monday, November 23, 2015

week 7: communication and trust.

This week in class we talked about the importance of the husband, wife relationship, along with the importance of communication within a marriage. There are certain things that should stay between a husband and a wife, foe example, the problems they have and their intimate times. If a couple goes around and tells everyone about their problems, that will just cause more problems, including other people means including other peoples opinions and those are irrelevant to the situation and the people involved. Also, if a couple, or just one person goes and tells their friends about the intimacy in their marriage it makes it less sacred and less important, and its no one's business but the couples.
We also talked about fidelity and infidelity. Fidelity means being faithful, dependable, and loyal to your spouse no matter what, even when problems arise in the relationship. I learned that there are five different types of infidelity, they are: fantasy, visual, technology, romantic and physical. They are pretty self explanatory, but each of them can easily ruin a marriage. It is important for us to stay faithful to our spouse and keep the trust in the relationship, if we do these things then our marriages will stay safe from destruction. 

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