Monday, November 23, 2015

week 9: solving problems & making decisions.

When we think of conflict our thoughts automatically think negative thoughts, no one wants to be involved in conflict because there is a possibility it could turn bad. In a weird way conflict is a good thing. Don't get me wrong, conflict can turn bad very quickly, but it can also be a blessing. Some benefits that come from conflict are gaining a new perspective and hearing a new opinion. You may not agree with the other persons perspective and opinion and thats okay, but when you listen patiently and sincerely you make the situation more calm and peaceful. Conflict can bring us closer in our relationships. Now that may sound weird, but its true. When we disagree with someone we are exposed to new perspective and opinions like mentioned before, and we can better understand a person when we know their opinions and perspective. Understanding a person can also help us to love them more which we all need. It is important that we remember during times of conflict to have an open mind. If our minds are closed and we are just thinking about ourselves and how we are right, we will not gain a new understanding and love for the person we are disagreeing with. When it comes to making decisions as a couple make sure that everyone is involved, not just the parents. Children should know what's going on, to some degree. For example, if you are married and you and your spouse feel like you should move your family to a new place, you should talk to your children about it so they can feel peace about it as well. It's no fun as a child, when your parents just tell you that you're moving and you have close to no time to process it and accept it. As a kid my family and I moved quite a bit and I loved how my parents would tell me far in advance so I could prepare myself and feel okay about it instead of being upset and confused. We must keep an open mind when discussing important matters with people, especially our spouse and family, when we do that we will be able to make decisions easier and be in agreement with each other.

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